EXMAR is constantly developing and adopting new technological advances in shipping to reduce the environmental impact of its operations.
The new EXMAR Midsize LPG/NH3 vessel – one of world’s most energy-efficient gas carriers
The current renovation of the EXMAR Midsize LPG fleet has seen the delivery of thirteen brand new ultra modern carriers built at shipyards in Korea and the Philippines. EXMAR has been intimately involved in conceptualisation and design which has aimed to optimise efficiency and offer the greatest degree of flexibility in reducing emissions:
- Thanks to hull lines optimization and propeller design, the new Midsize series from EXMAR requires 10 percent less power than its equivalent predecessor. This is based on a comparative study with an equivalent vessel type in 2006, assuming a 50% ballast/25% propane laden/25% ammonia laden operational profile over a ship’s lifetime.
- The vessel design allows for the retrofit of an Exhaust Gas Scrubber capable of reducing more than 95% of SOx air emissions and 60% of air particulates emissions.
- The vessels are also prepared for retrofit of Gas as fuel instead of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), potentially capable of reducing C02 emissions by 20% with LNG and 17% with LPG respectively. Gas fuel can also potentially reduce more than 99% of SOx emissions and more than 80% of air particulates emissions.
- These vessels come equipped with a state-of-the-art direct electrolysis ballast water treatment system onboard.
Optimising fleet energy efficiency
The EXMAR technical team is permanently tasked with optimising energy efficiency across the fleet and has recently adopted the following systems on board to make a difference in our daily operations:
- KYMA application to monitor the ship’s performance and steam plant efficiency
- SPOS Weather Routing software which charts the most efficient routes
- ECO ASSISTANT, trim optimisation software which assists in trimming a vessel optimally depending on loading conditions to save fuel
- A revised Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) on all vessels of the LNG fleet, defining each ship’s own specific key performance indicators
and baselines for fuel consumption. This is relayed between ship to shore via the Vessel Performance Monitoring system
Protecting the marine environment
In addition to complying with international regulations, EXMAR also endeavours to continuously improve its environmental performance at sea :
- All new tonnage is now provided with a Green Passport, which ensures eventual safe scrapping
- The hulls of LNG carriers Excalibur and Excellence were recently given layers of silicone-based anti-fouling paint, with further applications of this paint under consideration
- Vessels equipped with ballast water treatment plants are operational in all ports to minimise the influx of alien maritime species, including those ports without local regulations requiring this operation
- The fleet operates a comprehensive waste management system, including waste recycling
- Combustion Analyser Trend software to analyse internal combustion engine performance on board our LPG fleet
- A fleet wide initiative is taking place to introduce a condition-based maintenance system on board, which aims to optimise performance and minimise downtime